Year 3
Welcome to our Year 3 Classes!
To keep up to date with everything that is going on in school and in your child's class then make sure you have signed up to ClassDojo. Speak to your child's teacher if you need to know more or click here.
In Year 3 we have two classes - Barn Owls and Ospreys.
In Year 3 Barn Owls the class teacher is Miss Dwan. The teaching assistant is Mrs Burke.
In Year 3 Ospreys the class teacher is Miss Cooper. The teaching assistant is Miss Rathor.
Both classes are made up of children who are aged between 7 and 8 years old. The children follow the National Curriculum for Key Stage 2 which builds upon the children’s learning and experiences in Key Stage 1.
Timings of the day
08.45 - 09.00 Chatty time and registration (If it is raining outside then the classroom door will be opened at 8.45)
09.00 - 10.30 Morning Teaching Sessions
10.30 - 10.40 Playtime
10.40 - 10.45 Milk and snack
10.45 - 12.15 Morning Teaching Sessions
12.15 - 13.00 Lunchtime
13.00 - 15.15 Afternoon Teaching Sessions
Please note that we run our own breakfast club every morning from 8am. Contact school if you would like your child to attend.
In Year 3 we expect:
- Reading books in reading bags to be brought in every day.
- Children need to be heard reading at home and to talk about what they have read.
- Reading record to be signed and please make a simple comment to share how your child has read.
- We encourage our children to be independent, therefore we ask parents to remain outside the building at the start and end of the day.
- Home learning to be completed on a regular basis.
- Spellings to be practised.
- P.E. kit to be in school on P.E. days which you will find out at the start of each term on our Class Newsletters.
Foundation Subject Overview
In the afternoons we teach Geography, History, RE, Science, PSHE, PE, Music, Art, D&T and French. Please see our Year 3 curriculum overview on the right for more information on the subject coverage.
Each half term parents are sent a newsletter informing them about the different subjects and content that will be taught during the half term.
We ask that reading books are brought in every day as children take part in independent reading activities. Children will change their book on a Monday if we are confident that they have read and understood the book. Please ensure that their reading records are kept up to date, please contact us if you have any queries. We encourage all our children to read a range of different texts at home as well as their school reading book, this might include things like the newspaper, comics and graphic novels. We want all our children to develop a love for reading.
We expect children to read daily with adults at home. Spellings will be given out every Monday and children will have a weekly test. We are continuing our exciting Times Tables Rockstars maths homework this year which is 10 minutes of garage games every week night. We may send home some homework based on a current area of study - we may for instance ask the children to create a model or design a poster around their latest topic etc.
P.E. Kits
Please ensure that your child has the correct P.E. kit in school. All kit should be named and kept in a labelled bag to be left in school. It is advised that the children keep their P.E. bags in school for the duration of the half term, as occasionally your child may use it as spare clothes when an accident has occurred.
We like to encourage physical fitness here at Primrose Hill. Every day we take part in a DAILY MILE run using our excellent outside facilities!
Children have access to a small bottle of milk during the morning session. Children are also allowed to bring in a piece of fruit to eat at this time. Children can bring in their own water bottle labelled with their name. They can have access to this throughout the day.
If you would like to discuss anything further or have any questions regarding what is being covered in Year 3 then please contact your class teacher through ClassDojo or contact the office to make an appointment.